Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Don't Accept the Blame for Being Shunned
by cofty inour family and friends blame us for the fact that they shun us.
imagine an abusive husband who threatened his wife that if she leaves him he will hunt her down and kill her.
eventually she finds the courage to leave and he carries out his threat.
Village Idiot
I run into Witnesses every day but I usually keep quiet because of my introverted nature. When they're open to talking I just share some niceties but afterwards I get suspicious and wonder why they even spoke to me knowing that I was disfellowshipped. Usually I just nod my head as I pass them. -
The people are mobilizing Mr Drumpf
by Simon inprotesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
Village Idiot
We've also had someone making many, many duplicate accounts over the last few weeks which have been used to vote, send malicious PM's and generally try and disrupt topics and cause bad feeling on the forum.
I once saw, if I remember correctly, 17 dislikes for one post. Hard to believe that someone would make even 10 accounts for something so trivial but what the hell, they bounce of my skin.
The people are mobilizing Mr Drumpf
by Simon inprotesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
Village Idiot
Vidiot, I gave you a like just to offset those two dislikes you got. I have to say I'm surprised as to how many Trump lovers there are on this forum; you'd expect some more rationality from ex-JWs. -
2nd amendment right ... where should it end?
by Simon inone thing i like to do to test a theory is to take things to extremes or to their logical conclusion to see if the premises still hold.
very often, a claim that seems to make sense at a superficial level falls apart when you start to stretch it a little.. so let's play a game.. suppose the 2nd amendment is valid, that some "well regulated militia" really is necessary to hold the government to account.. obviously when this was drafted the government had access to the weapons of it's day which would be muskets!
so muskets all round.
Village Idiot
I have heard some people say that they carry a hand gun when they are out hunting so that they can do the final kill. I ran that idea past my dad who is a very involved hunter of big game for food and he chuckled and then snorted. So did my native friend who carries a knife for that purpose. Canadian hunters don't use hand guns to kill animals.
So what your saying then because of your perilously dangerous incident hunting boar and based from that experience any kind of kind should be available to purchase to the public. ???
I've heard of experiences where a seemingly dead deer jumped up when the hunter got close to it. It's sharp horns could easily disembowel a person. You do need to take precautions and that usually involves carrying a weapon that could quickly kill the animal. A knife won't cut it under those circumstances and the rifle would be too long for a head shot when you're right by the animal.
So it's simply not about hunting with the sidearm but using it to make sure the animal is dead. Here is a range of opinions on the subject amongst hunters.
2nd amendment right ... where should it end?
by Simon inone thing i like to do to test a theory is to take things to extremes or to their logical conclusion to see if the premises still hold.
very often, a claim that seems to make sense at a superficial level falls apart when you start to stretch it a little.. so let's play a game.. suppose the 2nd amendment is valid, that some "well regulated militia" really is necessary to hold the government to account.. obviously when this was drafted the government had access to the weapons of it's day which would be muskets!
so muskets all round.
Village Idiot
Keep in mind that people could still use Shot guns or hunting rifles to protect themselves if found it necessary.
Whose bullets can be more powerful than the AK or AR bullets. A shotgun can release 9-15 Double Ought buckshot (OO) in a single pull of the trigger. That's the equivalent of 3-5 9mm bullets in a single burst.
Also, a tubular fed shotgun can have its capacity extended to 7 or 8 shells depending on their barrel length. That could give you the equivalent of 21-25 handgun cartridges.
Never Allowed to be Myself
by NeverAllowestobeMyself inso my handle has a typo, it is supposed to be never allowed to be myself but i'm okay with that because it is kind of symbolic of my situation.
as a born-in i have always had expectations forced on me, this is what you are to think, feel and do as a jehovah's witness.
my earliest memories involve being upset that i would die at armageddon because i was bad.
Village Idiot
Welcome to the forum Myself. Are you fading right now or completely out?
You might want to ask Simon about changing your name or, if that is not possible, just come back with a different account with your correct name.
Talking to a wall
by ivanatahan inwhy must these people be figurative walls when talking about the lies of the jw cult?.
the other day, i had a conversation with my mother.
we started talking about the election and how the candidates differ (me being a supporter of bernie).
Village Idiot
Why must these people be figurative walls when talking about the lies of the JW cult?
You'll find that to be the case in all fundamentalist religions.
JW related collective nouns
by Simon inenglish is a great language, especially when it comes to collective nouns.
a "murder" of crows is just fantastic as is a "mob" of meerkats.
a "colony" of ants, a "pride" of lions.
Village Idiot
A class of Jeremiahs.
A discretion of slaves.
2nd amendment right ... where should it end?
by Simon inone thing i like to do to test a theory is to take things to extremes or to their logical conclusion to see if the premises still hold.
very often, a claim that seems to make sense at a superficial level falls apart when you start to stretch it a little.. so let's play a game.. suppose the 2nd amendment is valid, that some "well regulated militia" really is necessary to hold the government to account.. obviously when this was drafted the government had access to the weapons of it's day which would be muskets!
so muskets all round.
Village Idiot
Why not simply rephrase the Second Amendment to: "All citizens shall have the right to own and bear arms." Period. -
making memorial bread parties
by wannaexit ini though i'd heard and seen it all.
i guess i was mistaken.
i saw from various social media the the witnesses are holding parties to make memorial bread.
Village Idiot
How about pine tree parties around December?